Thursday, September 12, 2013

2nd grade

I was in my all time favorite grade and will be until the 27th :). Today and tomorrow are for different teachers, then I have the same teacher for the week 16-20th, and then another teacher for the week of 23-27. Very exciting.

Oh, but do you know what I do hate? Migraines. Ugh. Since today is the 3rd day, I'm hoping it will be over by tomorrow. If not, then I'm going to have to cancel tomorrow. I've already explained my situation to the teacher I'm subbing for, but still. I'm going to try to make it.

Anyways, back to today. The kids were so good! It makes a day much less stressful when the kids are well behaved. I love it :) I'm excited about the rest of this month!

I think I'm finally getting a hang of this blogging and found what I can blog frequently about. Hopefully there will be more exciting events, though. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Middle School

The middle school now has a bunch of kids I know in every grade! I loved seeing them and getting big hugs from all of the ones that knew me. It was great! I felt pretty popular (which if you knew me when I was in school, that wasn't always the case). I was a teacher that gave extra help to students and since there was a field trip for half of that grade, I only had 2-4 kids in most of my classes. Sweet! It was so neat to see how they were doing and see how tall they are! Many of them are WAY taller than me. But being 5'5'' is an easy feat. Unfortunately, the florescent lighting plus the projector lightbulb started giving me a migraine. I hate when my brain isn't used to the lighting in the school. Ugh. Luckily, the students didn't mind having the lights off while they were working. It really helped the pain subside. Hopefully going to sleep tonight will make it go away.

One thing I HATE doing is canceling a sub job. It's only for tomorrow afternoon, but that class is so well behaved. But the county inspector is suppose to come in the morning and I don't want to delay them inspecting our solar panels any longer. We don't have a definite time so their morning could be 10am and if it takes any more than half an hour, I wouldn't be able to sub or have to cancel the inspector. So, the easiest thing for me to do was to make sure I'm home all day. Maybe I can get some house cleaning done :), or watch season 7 of Army Wives on Netflix....we'll see. I'm going to kick myself if they get here way before 11am and I could have subbed, but better safe than sorry! Oh and the solar company will submit all paper work tomorrow afternoon, so starting on Thursday we can start our countdown for our meter to be switched by our electric company and that means we can use our solar panels! Yay! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

5th grade

Today, I subbed in 5th grade. I sub for this teacher all the time throughout the last few years. She is one of my favorite people, but for some reason she gets a pretty rowdy class every year. She has these awesome classroom management methods, but those kids have little respect for authority. It DRIVES me insane. This school has started doing leveled learning this year. That means the class the students are in, they are with students in the same level as them. The school looks at their reading scores and math scores to determine. I really love this because it gives the students a level playing field, BUT on the other hand, it makes the lower level class being retaught everything and that slows down the pacing. It's very interesting, but I hope it helps the lower students succeed. Plus it gives the higher level students a chance at enrichment. It should be an interesting year at this school. Oh and they also are implementing Singapore Math this year, but I haven't had a chance to try and teach it because the teachers seem to give me packets for them to do. Now, there are some days where I love just giving out packets, but I really want to teach a math lesson! lol. It's still early in the year, though. There's still time.

Apparently all of the 5th grade teachers were out today, and my class was one of the better behaving class. At dismissal, I even had another teacher give me a comment,"At least there's one 5th grade class in order" I love getting comments like that, because I put my heart and soul in my work. The beauty of it is that I don't even have to work. I could be a housewife. I tried that when we first moved here 8 years ago, but couldn't hack it. I was going stir crazy. Anyways, I believe since I don't HAVE to work, that I make sure I enjoy it. I'm subbing for the kids, not for a financial benefit. :) 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week Review

I'm not feeling well these past few days, but I don't have a fever so here we go! Luckily I can take it easy this weekend.

What grade/subject I'm subbing for this week:

Monday: 5th grade

Tuesday: SSD Teacher at a middle school (I cannot wait to see the kids I had last year!)

Wednesday: 3rd grade in the afternoon

Thursday and Friday: 2nd Grade, but for different teachers

Should be a fun, busy week! Now if the county inspector would just come out and inspect our panels so that we can get our electric company to come out to change out our meter! This waiting is so frustrating. Luckily today is storming so we wouldn't produce much energy, but still! lol

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Today I got up at 5am to be at work by 7 because I was able to sub in the day care at the high school! I LOVED being around those babies. There was this one kid that would make the most adorable facial expressions. It was hilarious. There was another kid that was close to being 2 years old. He would hit the cute kid and even hit me. We would sit him away in a time out. But that didn't do anything. Well, when his mom came to pick him up she asked if he was good and if he hit anyone. The teacher that I was with said he was fine and didn't mention the hitting. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, but I didn't feel it was my place to respond. Oh well, it's over and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know how those moms deal with a total stranger being in there, but they seem to be okay.

I'm not subbing tomorrow because we have solar people supposedly coming by to inspect things. I didn't receive an e-mail so I'm not totally sure. Next week I'm subbing every day! One of those is a half day, but there's still a chance that I can work that morning....very doubtful, though.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I have been substituting for the same school district for the past 7 years. I really enjoy it! I love the variety. Now, I would love to have my own classroom even more, but since I'm TERRIBLE in interviews, I'll stick with subbing. I've had 4 long-term substituting positions that range from 6 weeks-5 months (2 fifth grades, 1 fourth grade, and 1 kindergarten). This school year started with me subbing with the first week of school! I was in for a ssd para (which means paraprofessional for the special school district). I loved it and the staff seemed to really enjoy having me there. It's wonderful to feel appreciated. We use Aesoponline and teachers put in their top five. I love knowing when I'm on their list or they text me to see if I'm available before or right after they put their day(s) in. Makes me feel good. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this updated with some fun stuff going on in my subbing days. This week I haven't subbed at all yet because we had solar panels put on our house. Love saving energy and going green! Although it will take 2 weeks until we can actually use them, but at least they're cool looking!