Monday, September 9, 2013

5th grade

Today, I subbed in 5th grade. I sub for this teacher all the time throughout the last few years. She is one of my favorite people, but for some reason she gets a pretty rowdy class every year. She has these awesome classroom management methods, but those kids have little respect for authority. It DRIVES me insane. This school has started doing leveled learning this year. That means the class the students are in, they are with students in the same level as them. The school looks at their reading scores and math scores to determine. I really love this because it gives the students a level playing field, BUT on the other hand, it makes the lower level class being retaught everything and that slows down the pacing. It's very interesting, but I hope it helps the lower students succeed. Plus it gives the higher level students a chance at enrichment. It should be an interesting year at this school. Oh and they also are implementing Singapore Math this year, but I haven't had a chance to try and teach it because the teachers seem to give me packets for them to do. Now, there are some days where I love just giving out packets, but I really want to teach a math lesson! lol. It's still early in the year, though. There's still time.

Apparently all of the 5th grade teachers were out today, and my class was one of the better behaving class. At dismissal, I even had another teacher give me a comment,"At least there's one 5th grade class in order" I love getting comments like that, because I put my heart and soul in my work. The beauty of it is that I don't even have to work. I could be a housewife. I tried that when we first moved here 8 years ago, but couldn't hack it. I was going stir crazy. Anyways, I believe since I don't HAVE to work, that I make sure I enjoy it. I'm subbing for the kids, not for a financial benefit. :) 

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