Thursday, September 5, 2013


Today I got up at 5am to be at work by 7 because I was able to sub in the day care at the high school! I LOVED being around those babies. There was this one kid that would make the most adorable facial expressions. It was hilarious. There was another kid that was close to being 2 years old. He would hit the cute kid and even hit me. We would sit him away in a time out. But that didn't do anything. Well, when his mom came to pick him up she asked if he was good and if he hit anyone. The teacher that I was with said he was fine and didn't mention the hitting. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, but I didn't feel it was my place to respond. Oh well, it's over and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know how those moms deal with a total stranger being in there, but they seem to be okay.

I'm not subbing tomorrow because we have solar people supposedly coming by to inspect things. I didn't receive an e-mail so I'm not totally sure. Next week I'm subbing every day! One of those is a half day, but there's still a chance that I can work that morning....very doubtful, though.

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